• Swap alcohol-based hand sanitizers for Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier (or make your own… see this past newsletter)
• Diffuse immune-boosting essential oils every day! Some of our friends even shared with us about how they always diffuse oils in their car after they’ve been around a lot of people and germs.
• Essential oils that have been used historically to promote a healthy immune response: Oregano, Clove, Thieves™, Cinnamon Bark, Peppermint, and ImmuPower™.
• Use Thieves™ essential oil every day: put a drop in warm water for tea, or a couple of drops in a capsule. Thieves Hard Lozenges also taste great and are an easy way to enjoy the benefits of Thieves.
• Rub essential oils on your feet and your children’s feet every night. For little ones always mix essential oils with a carrier oil (like V-6 or grapeseed oil) in a roller bottle to make it quick and easy to use the oils before bed. Create your own handy essential oil roll-on bottles to carry around with you!
• Daily supplements to promote a healthy immune response: ImmuPro™ (contains many vitamins; take before bed as it contains melatonin to help promote rest… another vital immune system booster!) or Inner Defense™.
• 80% of your immune system is in your gut. Take care of it! Priobiotics are a must. Life 5™ is great… take before bed on an empty stomach for best utilization of the healthy bacteria.
• Decide to make this your most healthy fall/winter ever. Thinking ahead about the great value of being healthy can help you make wise decisions about what to eat, when to exercise, and how much to sleep. Remember that health comes from God, and He designed our bodies to be healthy. Don’t act in fear, but make decisions to think proactively about your wellness. (What we think plays a tremendous part in our health. Be grateful and think about truth.)
• Finally, ask the question: will a flu shot really help my health? As with every health topic, we encourage you to do plenty of research. You might like this article by Dr. Mercola about a flu shot’s effects. If you are ever forced to take a vaccine, you might like to also immediately swallow a capsule with Thieves™, Thyme, and Oregano which may support a healthy immune response.
Remember: none of these tips will work for you and your family if you leave them on the shelf. You probably don’t need to do all of these things. Challenge: choose 2 things from this list and decide to do them every day until January 1. Make a little checklist and check it off every day. Consistently doing a few things is much more important than thinking about a lot of things!