Welcome to The Essential Way!

Hi! This is Gabriel & Jeanette Castelino. We are so pleased that you have visited us online. Our desire is to share with you the wonderful blessings that the Lord has showered upon us through Young Living Essential Oils.
Our Journey
We had zero knowledge of essential oils. Our journey with essential oils began in 2001 when a friend gave us an audio CD called “The Missing Link.”
That was our introduction to essential oils and Gary Young, the founder of Young Living Essential Oils. At that time, Jeanette was suffering with severe chemical sensitivities and would sometimes be incapacitated for days when exposed to paint, cigarette smoke, auto exhaust fumes, new carpet, etc.
Our first experience with the oils was when Jeanette had a severe “attack” from airplane engine exhaust fumes— one drop of Frankincense helped her feel good again in half a minute. Praise the Lord!
There are many other stories of the Lord helping us maintain good health through essential oils for each of our family members. Now, because we decided to share this knowledge with and educate others, we are being blessed financially too.
What keeps us going?
We never dreamed we would be on this path, but it has been rewarding to see people find the help that they needed through what the Lord made so well.
What we do
At first we were skeptical of the MLM part of the business but then the Lord opened our eyes to see that we could use this medium as a way to help more people. Truly the Lord has made provisions for all aspects of our life, the essential oils to support our physical and emotional health, and the Essential One—Jesus Christ—for all our spiritual needs. We are able to educate people about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, not just physically and emotionally, but also spiritually.
We would like you to experience similar blessings, so we invite you to join us as pilgrims as we travel along The Essential Way.
Begin your journey by listening to The Missing Link by D. Gary Young
Please contact us if you have questions:
- By email: [email protected]
- “Like” or message us on Facebook: Facebook.com/theessentialway