The world places much emphasis on outward beauty. Young ladies are trying to look like the models they see in commercial advertisements. For many of them that ideal is unattainable and this is one of the causes of eating disorders, depression, and other emotional problems. On the other end of the spectrum, older people are looking for ways to hide wrinkles and other signs of aging so that they can look younger.
We should be good stewards of our bodies and do what we can to protect and maintain the skin and the health of other organs especially with all the damage inflicted upon us from petrochemicals and other environmental hazards to which we are exposed. But there is an almost obsessive pursuit of external beauty that is destructive. What a shame that most in the world do not realize that true, ageless beauty comes from within! Even the ones who do know that are not sure how to attain true inner beauty. While the world has many different answers for pursuing inner beauty, it is best to hear from the One who designed the human body.
God’s Word tells us that outward beauty is fleeting but the fear of the Lord gives true beauty (Psalm 31:30). To fear the Lord is to revere Him and trust Him with awe-filled respect. We are told that the fear of the Lord is to hate unrighteousness and put away pride and arrogance (Proverbs 8:13). It is hard for a man or woman to be humble and give honor to God but it is the meek and quiet spirit that adorns us with the beauty that is priceless in God’s eyes (1 Peter 3:3-4).
David’s one desire was to behold the beauty of the Lord (Psalm 27:4); the more time we spend focusing on the beauty of Lord, the more we will be changed into that same beauty (2 Corinthians 3:18). As we reflect on the meekness and lowliness of Jesus, He will teach us how to have that same meek and lowly heart that beautifies us (Matthew 11:28-30).