In II Timothy 2:15, we are told to be diligent to present ourselves as workmen who are approved by God. The word translated “approved” is the Greek word dokimos which was a title given to money changers who were men of integrity who were scrupulously honest and always carried only genuine coins.
In those days coins were made out of pure gold or silver which was melted and cast into coins. The pure metals were soft and dishonest people shaved the edges of these coins and put them back into circulation. A dokimos was certified as someone who would not shave the edges of coins but was also careful to not accept coins that were shaved. Hence doing business with a dokimos would ensure that you would not be cheated.
Likewise, we should be careful to use the Word of God in a manner that receives God’s stamp of approval. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would guide us into all truth (John 14:26) so we must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit who will help us to correctly discern the truth. The Holy Spirit teaches us the truth not just so we will have the correct knowledge or use it to judge the behavior of others but so that we will use it govern our own conduct and allow God to receive the glory (Matthew 5:16).