In Philippians 4:19, we have a promise that our God will supply all our need. We also read in 2 Peter 1:3 that God will give us all that we need for life and godliness. What a generous and loving God we have! Truly we shall not want if God is our Shepherd!
However, when we are faced with hardships or afflictions, rather than allowing ourselves to be fearful or anxious, we must take our cares to the Lord with thanksgiving. The Lord will then give us that peace which passes all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7). God’s peace is the one thing that we need in every circumstance.
If we ever feel that we are lacking something, we must not let our minds cause us to doubt God’s promise. Rather we must assume that God knows what is best for us and we must believe that He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). We must conclude that the thing that we feel is lacking is not something that we need and is probably something that is not good for us to have because God also says that he will not withhold any good thing from His people (Psalm 84:11).
Let us magnify the Lord with thanksgiving (Psalm 69:30-31) because He meets our every need.