This is a Personal Development & Business Building session given by Monique McLean at the 2016 Young Living Convention. It’s our privilege to share this “almost-a-transcript” of her message with you, because it emphasizes a life-changing fact: You are what you think. You can learn more about Monique’s Royal Crown Diamond story here on the Young Living website.
Here’s what Monique had to say:
Find Your Sparkle
It’s deep inside of me. Why is it important to find your sparkle? Everybody should sparkle and shine. Have any of you encountered someone cranky?
“Girlfriend needs a sparkle”.
When you sparkle, you SHINE and attract people to you.
Bugs get attracted to light…when you shine, you give light in the darkness; and your light gives others direction.
When you give others direction, you give them hope, which is good for you and others.
When you figure out what makes you sparkle, and maintain it (or discover what takes it away so you can avoid it), it helps others for good.
It’s vital to think these things through and determine them for yourself:
YOUR gifts/talents
+ YOUR values (non-negotiables that you hold valuable)
+ YOUR vision/mission
= YOUR passion
The Bible says that “where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18)
Monique’s example:
My gift: I am a good encourager, I can motivate a group, and I am somewhat good in sales
+ My values: my family, my faith, seeing others helping others
+ My vision/mission: After I did 21 days of prayer for this vision, the Lord reminded me of a change I needed to make, “because that’s not among your gifts and talents”
= Passion
+ ENTHUSIASM (You can never be enthusiastic about what you don’t like)
What prevents “sparkle”? Certain weights can pull you down, even from early childhood.
Find freedom from the following so that they do not keep you from “Sparkling”:
- Past failures (lost friendships), voices in your head, words spoken over you, unforgiveness, bitterness.
- Comparison, pride, abandonment, fear of success, insecurity.
- Rejection, low self worth, approval of man (Monique: “I’m a recovering people pleaser”), perfectionism, controlling.
Monique’s story: Her family lost friendships in 2008 when they sold a business. In October 2012, when things were financially tight, her Young Living sponsor Kelly Wright asked if she could meet with her weekly at Barnes & Noble. In addition, her friend Natalie prayed for her daily and did not judge her. Friendship was what Monique feared the most because of past meanness from girlfriends.
Remember: Jesus, even in His perfection, was still rejected! So none of us can make everyone happy. Find your freedom through Jesus.
How do you keep your “Sparkle”?
- Be intentional and evaluate your life often. (John Maxwell: It’s not your success, but self evaluation that makes you successful.)
- Be aware of what can make your “Sparkle” dull:
- When you work outside your gifts and talents!
- When you compromise your values.
- When you get sidetracked from your vision.
- When you burn yourself out (and can’t be enthusiastic or energetic).
- When you allow junk to get back in your life.
- Surround yourself with those who encourage you and speak life into you.
Evaluate your life and business often by asking these questions:
- What am I currently doing?
- What could I be doing? (Both in my life and business.)
- What should I stop doing? (What goes against my values and business?)
“The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say NO to almost everything.” —Warren Buffet
Always keep growing: spend more time growing in the areas of your strengths, rather than focusing on your weaknesses.
Your “Sparkle” is not meant to be hidden. Go shine! You are designed to shine! …for other people.
Note: If you are considering applying these principles to a Young Living business, please don’t forget to access the Young Living Income Disclosure here.